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Saturday, June 30, 2007


Spending take 7

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Spending reward fund
Duration: A few days in a guitar class to figure out that the classical style of holding a guitar is far more comfortable than the standard holding position. A few minutes to price-search online, and then half an hour to head to a local guitar store.
Notes: A $10 footstool for Radagast to play the guitar in a classical position.

Radagast's totals: 124/225; 35/75; $702.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 125/225; 39/75; $295.00



A.M. Yoga take 32

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: A.M. Yoga with Rodney Yee
Portions of tape: relaxation, workout, guided meditation (full tape)
Duration: ~20 minutes
Intensity: Low
Soreness report: We are both extremely sore all over from yesterday's weightlifting. So sore, in fact, that this almost felt like an intense workout.

Radagast's totals: 124/225; 35/75; $712.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 125/225; 39/75; $295.00

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Thursday, June 28, 2007


Walking take 250

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~45 minutes

Radagast's totals: 123/225; 35/75; $710.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 124/225; 39/75; $292.50



Weightlifting take 8

Who: Radagast & SO
Exercise type: Weightlifting
Duration: ~1 1/2 hours
Notes: This was our first time weightlifting in a gym since last summer; it took us a while to figure out which machines to use and how to adjust them. We were both pleasantly surprised that we could still lift similar amounts of weight to where we left off last year; we figure that the other workouts we've been doing in the meantime must be helping maintain our strength.

Radagast's totals: 122/225; 35/75; $707.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 123/225; 39/75; $290.00


Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Walking take 249

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking (including lugging home groceries)
Duration: ~50 minutes

Radagast's totals: 121/225; 34/75; $702.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 122/225; 38/75; $285.00



Yoga Wisdom for Neck Pain and Tight Shoulders take 2

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Yoga Wisdom for Neck Pain and Tight Shoulders by Allison Nolan
Portions of tape: level 2 - vinyasas/stretches, abdominal workout, relaxation (entire level 2)
Duration: ~50 minutes

Notes: Like the first level of this workout, this combined vinyasas with stretching poses and a short ab-working segment for a moderate-intensity workout. This was both longer than the first level, and a bit more challenging (e.g., some poses were held for longer), and thus this does qualify for a strenuous exercise credit. The poses seemed to focus on stretching/working the shoulders, hips, and abs more than the neck. There were a few times where Radagast was confused as to what we should be doing (e.g., about halfway through the instructor stopped cuing all the transitions in the vinyasas, and some poses that required looking away from the TV weren't cued well), but overall the cuing was OK.

Radagast's totals: 120/225; 34/75; $700.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 121/225; 38/75; $282.50

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Winning Workout take 1 and Body Basics take 15

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Combination of Kathy Smith's Winning Workout and Body Basics videos
Portions of Winning Workout: warmup, all aerobics (The March, The Caribbean, The Fifties, The Swing).
Portions of Body Basics: aerobics 1, aerobics 2, cooldown
Duration: ~50 minutes total
Notes: We've been wanting to do more pure-cardio workouts (to offset our many strength and toning workouts), so we decided to combine the aerobics portions of two of Kathy Smith's tapes. The combination of the two seemed to provide a good, tiring aerobics workout.

While we've done Body Basics before, this was our first time through Winning Workout. The music of Winning Workout reminded Radagast's SO of the soundtrack to a generic '80's movie (not necessarily a bad thing), and the cuing was similar to Body Basics (not quite enough detail to let us do the entire workout without problems the first time through, but probably enough to be OK once we've done it a few times). We didn't do the toning portion of the workout, so can't comment on that.

Radagast's totals: 119/225; 33/75; $695.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 120/225; 37/75; $277.50

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Monday, June 25, 2007


Walking take 248

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~50 minutes

Radagast's totals: 118/225; 32/75; $690.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 119/225; 36/75; $272.50


Sunday, June 24, 2007


A.M. Yoga take 31

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: A.M. Yoga with Rodney Yee
Portions of tape: relaxation, workout, guided meditation (full tape)
Duration: ~20 minutes
Intensity: Low
Notes: This was a bit awkward to do while visiting Radagast's parents, but was a nice exercise interlude in a weekend filled with sloth.

Radagast's totals: 117/225; 32/75; $687.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 118/225; 36/75; $270.00

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Calf stretching take 10

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Calf stretches

Week of 6/17: 4/7 (6/17, 6/18, 6/19, 6/20)

Notes: Being away from home threw off Radagast's SO's stretching routine.

Radagast's totals: 116/225; 32/75; $685.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 117/225; 36/75; $267.50


Thursday, June 21, 2007


Kathy Smith Kickboxing take 2

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Kickboxing Workout video
Portions of tape: warmup, kickboxing routine (Radagast's SO did only part), kicking drills, cool down
Duration: ~45 minutes
Notes: Radagast's SO stopped partway through the kickboxing routine due to trouble concentrating (for unknown reasons); both skipped the ab and back bonus segment due to lingering soreness from iSculpt Traditional 7.

Radagast's totals: 116/225; 32/75; $685.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 117/225; 36/75; $267.50

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Walking take 247

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking to the store (and lugging back groceries)
Duration: ~20 minutes

Radagast's totals: 115/225; 31/75; $680.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 116/225; 35/75; $262.50



iSculpt Traditional 7 take 2

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: iSculpt Traditional 7 - Core Training (a downloaded, mp3-based workout)
Portions of mp3: Entire workout
Duration: ~20 minutes
Notes: Radagast found the focus on crunch-style exercises frustrating, as he has trouble doing them.

Radagast's totals: 114/225; 31/75; $677.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 115/225; 35/75; $260.00

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Monday, June 18, 2007


Fat Burning Workout take 9

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Fat Burning Workout video
Portions of tape: Warmup, aerobics 1-6, cooldown (entire tape)
Duration: ~60 minutes

Notes: Both Radagast and SO were unusually tired (possibly due to yesterday's workout or today's remodeling work) and had to force themselves to finish the workout.

Radagast's totals: 113/225; 31/75; $675.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 114/225; 35/75; $257.50

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Sunday, June 17, 2007


Calf stretching take 9

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Calf stretches

Week of 6/10: 7/7 (6/10, 6/11, 6/12, 6/13, 6/14, 6/15, 6/16)

Radagast's totals: 112/225; 30/75; $670.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 113/225; 34/75; $252.50



Secrets of a Great Lower Body take 4

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Secrets of a Great Body: Upper Body Workout video
Portions of tape: warmup, upper body workout, cooldown (entire tape)
Duration: ~45 minutes

Radagast's totals: 112/225; 30/75; $670.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 113/225; 34/75; $247.50

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Friday, June 15, 2007


Walking to a Concert take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking from our parking space to our seats at a Roger Waters concert, and back again
Duration: at least 50 minutes, thanks to crowds
Notes: We parked a mile away from our seats for tonight's concert (yes, it was really 0.986 miles; we checked with Google Pedometer), and thus walked two miles in our pursuit of listening to Roger Waters. Of course, getting in and out of the darn parking lot took even longer, but we'll ignore that.
Soreness report: Radagast's upper legs are sore, likely from yesterday's workout.

Radagast's totals: 111/225; 29/75; $665.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 112/225; 33/75; $242.50

[For more novelty walking posts, see Walking to a closed restaurant, take 1]

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Yoga Wisdom for Neck Pain and Tight Shoulders take 1

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Yoga Wisdom for Neck Pain and Tight Shoulders by Allison Nolan
Portions of tape: level 1 - vinyasas/stretches, abdominal workout, relaxation (entire level 1)
Duration: ~35 minutes
Notes: This video combined vinyasas with stretching poses and a short ab-working segment for a moderate-intensity workout; the few muscularly strenuous poses were not held for very long (hence, this workout does not qualify for strenuous exercise credit). The poses seemed to focus on stretching/working the shoulders more than the neck.

Radagast's SO had little trouble following along, except for one unfamiliar pose on the floor that made looking at the TV screen difficult.

Soreness report: Radagast's SO's quads were sore, making crescent pose and chair pose painful.

Radagast's totals: 110/225; 29/75; $662.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 111/225; 33/75; $240.00

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Kathy Smith Kickboxing take 1

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Kickboxing Workout video
Portions of tape: warmup, kickboxing routine, kicking drills, cool down, ab bonus (entire tape)
Duration: ~50 minutes
Notes: This was an aerobic workout that focused on kicks and punches, combining them into aerobic routines by including lots of bouncy legwork. The video explained each kick and punch well (kickboxing novice Radagast had relatively little trouble following along), though Radagast did have to rewind a few times to pick up the footwork to some of the moves. Radagast found this to be cardiovascularly intense; he was very tired by the end of it. The music was peppy and matched the workout well.

Radagast's totals: 110/225; 29/75; $662.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 110/225; 33/75; $237.50

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Thursday, June 14, 2007


Peak Fat Burning take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Functionally Fit Peak Fat Burning
Portions of tape: warmup, interval workout, cooldown (entire tape)
Duration: ~40 minutes
Notes: This was an aerobic interval workout that alternated 2-minute high-intensity aerobic exercise bouts with 2-minute low-intensity leg-toning bouts. Unfortunately we had just done a lower-body strength workout yesterday, and were still sore from it, so the leg toning was hardly relaxing (and we both took it easy on those parts).

Both Radagast and SO found this to be a good aerobic workout, and were worn out by the end of it. The cueing was good, and most moves were introduced in the "rest" period before they were done quickly. We didn't notice the music at all.

Radagast far prefers this workout to that other interval workout.

Soreness report: Our legs are still sore from yesterday's workout.

Radagast's totals: 109/225; 28/75; $657.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 110/225; 33/75; $237.50

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Secrets of a Great Lower Body take 3

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Secrets of a Great Body: Lower Body Workout video
Portions of tape: warmup, lower body workout, cooldown (entire tape)
Duration: ~45 minutes

Radagast's totals: 108/225; 27/75; $652.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 109/225; 32/75; $232.50

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Sunday, June 10, 2007


Timesaver Cardio Fat Burner take 6

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Timesaver Cardio Fat Burner
Portions of tape: Aerobics segment 1, aerobics segment 2, stretch (entire tape)
Duration: ~50 minutes
Soreness report: Radagast and SO are still both stiff and sore; they're not quite sure from what.

Radagast's totals: 107/225; 26/75; $647.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 108/225; 31/75; $227.50

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Calf stretching take 8

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Calf stretches

Week of 6/3: 7/7 (6/3, 6/4, 6/5, 6/6, 6/7, 6/8, 6/9)

Radagast's totals: 106/225; 25/75; $642.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 107/225; 30/75; $222.50


Saturday, June 09, 2007


A.M. Yoga take 30

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: A.M. Yoga with Rodney Yee
Portions of tape: relaxation, workout, guided meditation (full tape)
Duration: ~20 minutes
Intensity: Low
Soreness report: We're both extremely sore just about everywhere (neck, shoulders, back, abs, sides, hips, legs), most likely from iSculpt Ballet 1 (and/or sealing our new tile floor).

Radagast's totals: 106/225; 25/75; $642.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 107/225; 30/75; $217.50

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Friday, June 08, 2007


iSculpt Ballet 1 take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: iSculpt Ballet 1 (an mp3-based workout from iTrain)
Portions of tape: Barre, core, floor, stretch (full workout)
Duration: ~60 minutes
Notes: This was a ballet-style workout that focused on the legs, hips, and core. Both Radagast and SO found the exercises to be challenging, and were worked to exhaustion many times. Like many iTrain workouts there is a PDF that accompanies the workout, which does help, but as usual it is missing at least one of the poses. The cuing was OK, though Radagast got very tired of the instructor blabbing on about spot-reducing and how much thinner we're getting thanks to doing this workout (tip to instructor: not everyone wants to be rail-thin).
Soreness report: We're both hobbling around minutes after doing this workout.

Radagast's totals: 105/225; 25/75; $640.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 106/225; 30/75; $215.00

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Thursday, June 07, 2007


Timesaver Cardio Fat Burner take 5

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Timesaver Cardio Fat Burner
Portions of tape: Aerobics segment 1, stretch (partial tape)
Duration: ~30 minutes
Notes: Radagast is getting a few blisters on his feet, and Radagast's SO doesn't feel well, so we only wanted to do the first portion. Due to only doing half the tape, this doesn't qualify as a heavy exercise credit.

Radagast's totals: 104/225; 24/75; $635.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 105/225; 29/75; $210.00

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Walking take 246

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking to the store (and lugging back groceries)
Duration: ~20 minutes

Radagast's totals: 103/225; 24/75; $632.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 104/225; 29/75; $207.50


Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Cardio Dance take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Cardio Dance with Jennifer Galardi from Exercise TV (a free, flash-video workout)
Portions of workout: Entire video
Duration: 20 minutes
Notes: This was a 20-minute cardio workout based around dance moves; it was relatively easy to follow along with (most of the moves were introduced slowly at first), though we're sure that our klutzy selves didn't look anything like the instructor doing the moves. We could have done without all the "make it look sexy" comments, though.

This qualified for a heavy exercise credit thanks to combining with with our two prior (incomplete) cardio workouts.

Radagast's totals: 102/225; 24/75; $630.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 103/225; 29/75; $205.00

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CIA 2402: Step Temptation & Hi-Low Revelation take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: CIA 2402 - Step Temptation & Hi-Low Revelation with Philip Gray
Portions of tape: First 8 1/2 minutes of Workout Two, twice
Duration: ~30 minutes
Notes: This workout was too advanced for us. While the cueing was excellent (nearly every move was cued, a rarity among the aerobics tapes we've done), the steps were introduced very quickly (in tempo, with only a few repeats) and were quickly added together to create very complex arrangements. We both enjoyed the few sequences that we were able to do (though we had to watch a few of the moves in slow motion to get the footing correct). We were better able to do this workout jointly than we were the other cardio workout we did today (as this one didn't involve lots of twisty jumps).

Since we didn't do much of the tape, this doesn't qualify for an exercise credit.

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CIA 2405: Two Workouts in One, Plus Abs take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: CIA 2405 - Two Workouts in One, Plus Abs, with Arth-Tavia Devon-Majorome
Portions of tape: Workout Two warmup, ~5 minutes of the hi-lo aerobics
Duration: ~20 minutes
Notes: This workout was too advanced for us. While the warmup was fine (and rather enjoyable), the aerobics moves quickly became more complicated than we could handle. The moves were introduced at tempo (i.e., not slowly explained), and new moves were added on to the sequence relatively quickly. Additionally, the moves took a good amount of floor space, making them challenging to carry out together in our living room.

Since we didn't do very much of the tape, this doesn't qualify for exercise credit.

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Walking take 245

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 101/225; 23/75; $625.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 102/225; 28/75; $200.00



Standing Abs take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Standing Abs with Jennifer Galardi from Exercise TV (a free, flash-video workout)
Portions of workout: Entire video
Duration: 10 minutes
Notes: This was a short workout designed to exercise the abs while standing. It consisted of many exercises based around curling the torso/abdomen in various directions (via standing crunches, leg lifts, side reaches, hip pulsing, and shoulder pulsing). While this is a neat idea (Radagast seems to tire out his shoulders and neck whenever he does crunches), neither Radagast nor SO felt like this workout exercised their abs nearly as much as other, floor-based exercises.

This workout was too short to qualify for exercise credit.

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Monday, June 04, 2007


Timesaver Cardio Fat Burner take 4

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Timesaver Cardio Fat Burner
Portions of tape: Aerobics segment 1, aerobics segment 2, stretch (entire tape)
Duration: ~50 minutes

Radagast's totals: 100/225; 23/75; $622.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 101/225; 28/75; $197.50

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Gardening take 31

Who: Radagast
What: Watering, weeding, dead-heading roses, and digging out rose suckers.
Duration: ~1 3/4 hours

Radagast's totals: 100/225; 23/75; $622.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 100/225; 27/75; $192.50



Pure and Simple Stretch take 15

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Pure and Simple Stretch
Portions of tape: standing, floor
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 99/225; 23/75; $617.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 100/225; 27/75; $192.50

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Sunday, June 03, 2007


Walking take 244

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking to the store and lugging back groceries
Duration: ~30 minutes

Radagast's totals: 98/225; 23/75; $615.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 99/225; 27/75; $190.00



Gardening take 30

Who: Radagast and SO
What: Digging even more nice deep holes (in our solid, heavy soil) for yet more vegetable seedlings.
Duration: ~45 minutes for Radagast's SO and ~ 1 1/2 hours for Radagast

Radagast's totals: 97/225; 23/75; $612.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 98/225; 27/75; $187.50



Calf stretching take 7

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Calf stretches

Week of 5/27: 6/7 (5/27, 5/29, 5/30, 5/31, 6/1, 6/2)

Radagast's totals: 96/225; 22/75; $607.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 97/225; 26/75; $182.50



iStretch combination 12 take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: iStretch combination 12 (an mp3-based workout)
Portions of workout: yoga, core, floor, and cooldown
Duration: ~80 minutes
Notes: This was a very intense workout that combined strenuous yoga poses (half moon, standing splits, crescent pose, crescent twist, side angle, and external rotation of side angle) with strenuous ab work (isolations, boat pose, situps, bicycles) and strenuous leg work (inner thigh lifts, frog lifts). We couldn't do some of the exercises for the duration specified, but we did manage to get through the entire workout (with much resting in child's pose). The cuing was OK, though we did get confused in a few spots; there is a PDF guide to go along with the workout, but it didn't include at least one pose (reverse plank).
Soreness report: Both of us are feeling hobbled by this workout.

Radagast's totals: 96/225; 22/75; $607.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 97/225; 26/75; $180.00

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Saturday, June 02, 2007


Gardening take 29

Who: Radagast's SO
What: Watering, and digging nice deep holes (in our solid, heavy soil) for more vegetable seedlings.
Duration: ~45 minutes

Radagast's totals: 95/225; 21/75; $602.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 96/225; 25/75; $175.00


Friday, June 01, 2007


Gardening take 28

Who: Radagast
What: Digging another approximately 5' x 10' area of grass out of our backyard to make another new vegetable garden, complete with digging nice deep holes (in our solid, heavy soil) for each vegetable seedling. Qualifies as a heavy exercise credit due to copious amounts of digging.
Duration: 2.5 hours

Radagast's totals: 95/225; 21/75; $602.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 95/225; 25/75; $172.50


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