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Thursday, May 31, 2007


Walking take 243

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 94/225; 20/75; $597.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 95/225; 25/75; $172.50


Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Your Personal Best take 2

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Your Personal Best Workout with Elle Macpherson Karen Voight
Portions of tape: warmup, aerobics 1, aerobics 2, aerobics 3, stretch
Duration: ~28 minutes
Notes: This was about 19 minutes of aerobics, and 9 minutes of warmup/cooldown. We skipped the toning sections, in part because we're still sore from yesterday. This barely qualifies for a $5 heavy-exercise credit. If we end up doing this a lot, we'll remove the heavy exercise credit so we don't end up gaming the system.

Radagast's totals: 93/225; 20/75; $595.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 94/225; 25/75; $170.00

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Walking take 242

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 92/225; 19/75; $590.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 93/225; 24/75; $165.00


Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Secrets of a Great Upper Body take 3

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Secrets of a Great Body: Upper Body Workout video
Portions of tape: warmup, upper body workout, cooldown (entire tape)
Duration: ~45 minutes

Radagast's totals: 91/225; 19/75; $587.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 92/225; 24/75; $162.50

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Walking take 241

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 90/225; 18/75; $582.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 91/225; 23/75; $157.50


Monday, May 28, 2007


Fat Burning Workout take 8

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Fat Burning Workout video
Portions of tape: Warmup, aerobics 1-6, cooldown (entire tape)
Duration: ~60 minutes

Radagast's totals: 89/225; 18/75; $580.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 90/225; 23/75; $155.00

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Sunday, May 27, 2007


Calf stretching take 6

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Calf stretches

Week of 5/20: 6/7 (5/20, 5/21, 5/22, 5/23, 5/25, 5/26)

Radagast's totals: 88/225; 17/75; $575.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 89/225; 22/75; $150.00



Gardening take 27

Who: Radagast and SO
What: Digging an approximately 5' x 10' area of grass out of our backyard to make a new vegetable garden, complete with digging nice deep holes (in our solid, heavy soil) for each vegetable seedling. Also included were weeding and moving some plants in the yard. Qualifies as a heavy exercise credit due to copious amounts of digging for both Radagast and SO.
Duration: 2 hours
Notes: Looks like we were doing the same thing at this time a year ago.

Radagast's totals: 88/225; 17/75; $575.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 89/225; 22/75; $147.50


Saturday, May 26, 2007


A.M. Yoga take 29

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: A.M. Yoga with Rodney Yee
Portions of tape: relaxation, workout, guided meditation (full tape)
Duration: ~20 minutes
Intensity: Low

Radagast's totals: 87/225; 16/75; $570.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 88/225; 21/75; $142.50

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Friday, May 25, 2007


Walking take 240

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 86/225; 16/75; $567.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 87/225; 21/75; $140.00


Thursday, May 24, 2007


iStretch 14 take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: iStretch 14, core conditioning (an mp3-based workout)
Portions of workout: core, back, and cooldown
Duration: ~40 minutes
Notes: This workout focused on the back and abs; the abs portion focused on variations on crunches, and the back portion focused on back extensions. The cuing was good, though Radagast found that at times some of the exercises seemed to work his legs more than his abs (e.g., he couldn't do the "crunches with one leg lower" thanks to his quads complaining too much / being too weak). This workout came with a supplemental PDF, but we only needed it for one exercise; we don't know if it's complete.

Soreness report: Both Radagast and SO's quads and calves are sore, thanks to the lower body workout.

Radagast's totals: 85/225; 16/75; $565.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 86/225; 21/75; $137.50

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Walking take 239

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 84/225; 15/75; $560.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 85/225; 20/75; $132.50


Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Secrets of a Great Lower Body take 2

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Secrets of a Great Body: Lower Body Workout video
Portions of tape: warmup, lower body workout, cooldown (entire tape)
Duration: ~45 minutes
Notes: Radagast agrees with Radagast's SO: this workout is painful enough without weights.

Radagast's totals: 83/225; 15/75; $557.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 85/225; 20/75; $132.50

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Walking take 238

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 82/225; 14/75; $552.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 85/225; 20/75; $132.50



Secrets of a Great Lower Body take 1

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Secrets of a Great Body: Lower Body Workout video
Portions of tape: warmup, lower body workout, cooldown (entire tape)
Duration: ~45 minutes
Notes: This workout used a variety of standing and floor exercises, such as leg lifts and squats, to work the lower body. Most exercises used body weight only, though weights could be added to some exercises to make them more intense; Radagast's SO found the workout painful enough as is.

Radagast's totals: 81/225; 14/75; $550.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 85/225; 20/75; $132.50

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Sunday, May 20, 2007


Weight Loss Workout take 2

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Weight Loss Workout video
Portions of tape: warmup, arms with weights, aerobics 1-4, standing legs, legs with weights, cooldown
Duration: ~65 minutes
Notes: Radagast found this to be an excellent cardio workout, but he got lost on some of the moves, primarily due to a lack of cuing. However, he was able to pick most of the moves up by watching them, and given that this is an "intermediate" tape it seems as though less cuing is acceptable. This was a fun workout: the music is good (early '90s synth-pop-y in parts), and the moves aren't super complicated, yet got our heart rates up. Both Radagast and SO left out the weights in the arm and leg portions of the tape.

Radagast's totals: 81/225; 14/75; $550.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 84/225; 19/75; $127.50

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Calf stretching take 5

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Calf stretches

Week of 5/13: 7/7 (5/13, 5/14, 5/15, 5/16, 5/17, 5/18, 5/19)

Radagast's totals: 80/225; 13/75; $545.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 83/225; 18/75; $122.50



Secrets of a Great Upper Body take 2

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Secrets of a Great Body: Upper Body Workout video
Portions of tape: warmup, upper body workout, cooldown (entire tape)
Duration: ~45 minutes
Notes: Radagast and SO varied from 5 lb. to 15 lb. weights throughout the workout. Radgast found the workout to be muscularly stressful, which, given that said outcome is the entire point of the video, meant that it was a good workout.

Radagast's totals: 80/225; 13/75; $545.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 83/225; 18/75; $117.50

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Saturday, May 19, 2007


Freeform stretching take 1

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: A mix of Pure and Simple Stretch and A.M. Yoga, based on what Radagast could remember of the two.
Duration: ~35 minutes
Notes: Radagast was traveling without any stretch workouts, but was stiff and sore from the past few days and wanted to stretch. Thus, he did as much as he could remember of the two stretch workouts we regularly do, and ended up doing some wacky hybrid of the two videos.
Soreness report: Radagast's back and shoulders were very sore from the planting.

Radagast's totals: 79/225; 12/75; $540.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 82/225; 17/75; $112.50


Friday, May 18, 2007


Gardening take 26

Who: Radagast
What: Planting more than 40 individual plants into new pots for my mom's new herb, vegetable, and flower garden, followed by installing a drip-watering system for all the pots.
Duration: 4 hours

Radagast's totals: 78/225; 12/75; $537.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 82/225; 17/75; $112.50


Thursday, May 17, 2007


iSculpt Traditional 7 take 1

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: iSculpt Traditional 7 - Core Training (a downloaded, mp3-based workout)
Portions of mp3: Entire workout
Duration: ~20 minutes

Notes: This workout exercised the abs and core with lots of crunches (of several varieties), a few planks, some bicycles, and a couple of other moves. Radagast's SO had trouble keeping good form after the first couple minutes of the workout, but muddled through.

Radagast's totals: 77/225; 12/75; $532.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 82/225; 17/75; $112.50

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Walking take 237

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 77/225; 12/75; $532.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 81/225; 17/75; $110.00



Weight Loss Workout take 1

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Weight Loss Workout video
Portions of tape: warmup, arms with weights, aerobics 1-4, standing legs, legs with weights, cooldown
Duration: ~65 minutes
Notes: Radagast's SO left out the weights during the arm and leg portions of the tape due to lingering soreness from the Secrets of a Great Upper Body workout, but found the aerobics portion easier than expected.

Radagast's totals: 77/225; 12/75; $532.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 80/225; 17/75; $107.50

[Update: See take 2 for more comments on this video.]

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Walking take 236

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 77/225; 12/75; $532.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 79/225; 16/75; $102.50


Wednesday, May 16, 2007


iStretch 1 take 2

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: iStretch 1 (a downloaded, mp3-based yoga workout)
Portions of mp3: Entire 60-minute workout
Duration: ~70 minutes
Notes: Radagast was exhausted halfway through this workout (though he did finish it after a short breather), and only at the end did he realize why: he's now 5000' higher than he was the last time he did this workout.

Radagast's totals: 77/225; 12/75; $532.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 78/225; 16/75; $100.00

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Pure and Simple Stretch take 14

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Pure and Simple Stretch
Portions of tape: standing, floor
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 76/225; 11/75; $527.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 78/225; 16/75; $100.00

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Walking take 235

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 76/225; 11/75; $527.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 77/225; 16/75; $97.50


Monday, May 14, 2007


Secrets of a Great Upper Body take 1

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Secrets of a Great Body: Upper Body Workout video
Portions of tape: warmup, upper body workout, cooldown (entire tape)
Duration: ~35 minutes
Notes: This seems to be a well-balanced weight workout for the arms, shoulders, abs, and back, with 2 sets of 12 reps for most exercises.

Radagast's totals: 76/225; 11/75; $527.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 76/225; 16/75; $95.00

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Sunday, May 13, 2007


Body Basics take 14

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Body Basics video
Portions of tape: warmup, aerobics, cooldown
Duration: ~30 minutes
Notes: The aerobics portion of this tape was shorter than we thought (about 15 minutes).
Soreness report: We're both a bit stiff from yesterday's Your Personal Best workout.

Radagast's totals: 76/225; 11/75; $527.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 75/225; 15/75; $90.00

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Saturday, May 12, 2007


Calf stretching take 4

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Calf stretches
Notes: A busy week led to Radagast's SO forgetting to stretch several times.

Week of 5/6: 3/7 (5/7, 5/11, 5/12)

Radagast's totals: 75/225; 10/75; $522.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 74/225; 14/75; $85.00



Walking take 234

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 75/225; 10/75; $522.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 74/225; 14/75; $85.00



Your Personal Best take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Your Personal Best Workout with Elle Macpherson Karen Voight1
Portions of tape: warmup, aerobics 1, toning 1, aerobics 2, tonight 2, aerobics 3, toning 3, stretch
Duration: ~60 minutes
Notes: This workout, a combination of light toning and aerobics, seemed like a slightly easier version of Kathy Smith's Body Basics. The moves were easy to follow, the cuing was good, and my SO and I were able to do virtually all the moves on the first try. The aerobics were broken up by the toning, and thus we never felt exhausted by them. This workout does use a chair and light weights, though my SO and I both felt our muscles working even without weights. We both liked the music ('80s pop) and backgrounds (a mix of natural areas in Hawaii).

We feel that we're progressing in our fitness, since we were able to get through the entire tape without stopping, and we didn't feel wiped out at the end (unlike when we did Body Basics for the first time).

Radagast's totals: 74/225; 10/75; $520.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 73/225; 14/75; $82.50

1 OK, the actual title is "Your Personal Best Workout with Elle Macpherson, featuring Karen Voight," but as one review on Video Fitness said, "Next to Karen, Elle looks like a skinny kid trying to keep up."

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Friday, May 11, 2007


Walking take 233

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 73/225; 9/75; $515.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 72/225; 13/75; $77.50


Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Walking take 232

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes for Radagast, ~60 minutes for Radagast's SO

Radagast's totals: 73/225; 9/75; $515.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 71/225; 13/75; $75.00


Monday, May 07, 2007


Walking take 231

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 72/225; 9/75; $512.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 70/225; 13/75; $70.00


Sunday, May 06, 2007


Calf stretching take 3

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Calf stretches

Week of 4/29: 7/7 (4/29, 4/30, 5/1, 5/2, 5/3, 5/4, 5/5)

Radagast's totals: 71/225; 9/75; $510.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 69/225; 13/75; $67.50


Saturday, May 05, 2007


Gardening take 25

Who: Radagast
What: Edging and mowing the lawn; watering, weeding, and dead-heading the garden.
Duration: 2 hours

Radagast's totals: 71/225; 9/75; $510.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 69/225; 13/75; $62.50



iSculpt Traditional 12 take 2

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: iSculpt Traditional Circuit 12 (a downloaded, mp3-based circuit workout)
Portions of mp3: First 20-minute segment, second 20-minute segment, cooldown
Duration: ~70 minutes

Notes: Radagast's SO took longer breaks than specified and cheated on the planks, but otherwise is happy to have completed this challenging workout.

Radagast's totals: 70/225; 9/75; $505.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 69/225; 13/75; $62.50

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Fieldwork take 24

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Working in the field
Duration: ~1 hour
Notes: Hiking to (and back from) an intertidal area, working in a rock-filled area.

Radagast's totals: 70/225; 9/75; $505.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 68/225; 12/75; $57.50


Thursday, May 03, 2007


Abs yoga take 2

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Abs Yoga for Beginners with Rodney Yee
Portions of tape: conscious breathing warmup, abs workout, deep relaxation (entire tape)
Duration: ~20 minutes

Radagast's totals: 69/225; 9/75; $502.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 68/225; 12/75; $57.50

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Walking take 230

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 68/225; 9/75; $500.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 67/225; 12/75; $55.00


Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Timesaver Cardio Fat Burner take 3

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Kathy Smith's Timesaver Cardio Fat Burner
Portions of tape: Aerobics segment 1, aerobics segment 2, stretch (entire tape)
Duration: ~60 minutes

Radagast's totals: 67/225; 9/75; $497.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 66/225; 12/75; $52.50

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007


iStretch 1 take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: iStretch 1 (a downloaded, mp3-based yoga workout)
Portions of mp3: Entire 60-minute workout
Duration: ~65 minutes
Notes: This was an audio-only workout from iTrain; it did include a supplemental PDF with pictures and descriptions of many of the poses (a few were missing). The workout was strenuous, and Radagast and SO both ended up having their legs give out multiple times (e.g., during long sequences of quad-working poses). In fact, we were both so exhausted after the middle portion of the workout that even simple poses like bridge pose required a great effort to maintain.

Radagast's totals: 66/225; 8/75; $492.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 65/225; 11/75; $47.50

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