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Wednesday, July 13, 2005


A.M. Yoga take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: A.M. Yoga with Rodney Yee
Portions of tape: relaxation, workout, guided meditation (full tape)
Duration: ~20 minutes
Intensity: Low
Notes: Very light workout, composed mostly of moving quickly through a sequence of gentle poses. It seems like it could be a very good routine to do shortly after waking up (as suggested), or when feeling stressed/tense; it's probably not a good stretching workout, as the poses are not held for very long. Having already gone through Yoga for Beginners helped us with this video. Radagast's SO reports getting tired of guided meditation and relaxation sessions (though thankfully the "meditation" in this video is only ~2 minutes, and is mostly free of new-agey talk).

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