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Sunday, September 18, 2005


Yoga for Strength take 1

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Yoga for Strength video
Portions of tape: vinyasas, inverted poses (session 1)
Duration: ~40 minutes
Notes: The workout was challenging, as it sometimes moved quickly between various poses, and at other times required holding poses for extended periods; both of us found holding dog pose for two minutes to be strenuous. The cuing was good overall, but not overly detailed; we're glad we've done Yoga for Beginners before attempting this tape, as otherwise we wouldn't have known what the poses were.

The video started with a "look at what I can do" segment where the camera pans lasciviously over a dramatically lit Rodney Yee as he does a 5-10 minute sequence; we don't think we'll be doing that sequence anytime soon.

Radagast was unable to do the plow pose and shoulder stand, and thus has two new goals: do plow pose and shoulder stand.

As a side note, we were recently given some foam yoga blocks (from Yoga Props), and they helped a lot - they're much more adjustable, and softer, than textbooks.

Soreness report: We're already feeling sore, and it's only been a few minutes since the workout.

Soreness report the day after: We both have more muscles sore than not; highlights include the middle back and shoulders.

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