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Thursday, March 29, 2007


Spending take 6

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Spending reward fund
Duration: Years of dreaming of playing the guitar, months to build up the motivation to decide to learn to play, days of researching guitars and guitar accessories, hours spent in a guitar store "playing" different guitars, and hours more spent hunting down bargains online. A few minutes on the phone to actually place the order. [Addition 4/5/07: Even more hours to open up the damaged package after arrival, contact customer support, and then return the contents to the vendor for replacement.]
Notes: $310 worth of guitar and guitar-supplies were purchased by Radagast.

Radagast's totals: 34/225; 0/75; $385.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 35/225; 0/75; -$67.50


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