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Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Walking take 158

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Walking, including lugging home groceries
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 183/200, $715.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 182/200, $220.00


Monday, October 30, 2006


Walking take 157

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 182/200, $712.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 182/200, $220.00



A.M. Yoga take 19

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: A.M. Yoga with Rodney Yee
Portions of tape: relaxation, workout, guided meditation (full tape)
Duration: ~20 minutes
Intensity: Low

Radagast's totals: 181/200, $710.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 181/200, $217.50

Labels: ,

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Walking take 156

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 180/200, $707.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 181/200, $217.50


Saturday, October 28, 2006


Yoga for Strength take 6

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Yoga for Strength video
Portions of tape: vinyasas, inverted poses (session 1)
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 179/200, $705.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 180/200, $215.00

Labels: ,


A.M. Yoga take 18

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: A.M. Yoga with Rodney Yee
Portions of tape: relaxation, workout, guided meditation (full tape)
Duration: ~20 minutes
Intensity: Low

Radagast's totals: 179/200, $705.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 179/200, $210.00

Labels: ,


Gardening take 18

Who: Radagast
What: Mowing, string trimming, watering, and deadheading
Duration: ~80 minutes

Radagast's totals: 179/200, $705.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 178/200, $207.50


Friday, October 27, 2006


Walking take 155

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 178/200, $700.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 178/200, $207.50


Thursday, October 26, 2006


Walking take 154

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 178/200, $700.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 177/200, $205.00


Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Walking take 153

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes for Radagast, ~80 minutes for Radagast's SO

Radagast's totals: 177/200, $697.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 176/200, $202.50


Monday, October 23, 2006


Walking take 152

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 176/200, $695.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 175/200, $197.50


Friday, October 20, 2006


Walking take 151

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes for Radagast, ~60 minutes for Radagast's SO

Radagast's totals: 175/200, $692.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 174/200, $195.00


Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Walking take 150

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 174/200, $690.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 173/200, $190.00


Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Walking take 149

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 173/200, $687.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 173/200, $190.00


Monday, October 16, 2006


Walking take 148

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 172/200, $685.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 172/200, $187.50


Sunday, October 15, 2006


Walking take 147

Who: Radagast's SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 171/200, $682.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 172/200, $187.50


Saturday, October 14, 2006


Walking take 146

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 171/200, $682.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 171/200, $185.00


Friday, October 13, 2006


Walking take 145

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 170/200, $680.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 170/200, $182.50



Gardening take 17

Who: Radagast
What: Weeding, watering, and harvesting fruit and vegetables
Duration: 40 minutes
Notes: I love living in Southern California - fresh tomatoes in October!

Radagast's totals: 169/200, $677.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 169/200, $180.00


Thursday, October 12, 2006


Walking take 144

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 168/200, $675.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 169/200, $180.00


Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Walking take 143

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~60 minutes

Radagast's totals: 167/200, $672.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 168/200, $177.50


Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Walking take 142

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 166/200, $667.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 168/200, $177.50


Monday, October 09, 2006


Walking take 141

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 165/200, $665.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 168/200, $177.50


Sunday, October 08, 2006


Walking take 140

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking, including lugging back groceries from the store
Duration: ~60 minutes

Radagast's totals: 164/200, $662.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 167/200, $175.00


Saturday, October 07, 2006


Walking take 139

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~80 minutes

Radagast's totals: 163/200, $657.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 166/200, $170.00


Thursday, October 05, 2006


Walking take 138

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 162/200, $652.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 165/200, $165.00


Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Walking take 137

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 161/200, $650.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 164/200, $162.50


Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Walking take 136

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 160/200, $647.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 164/200, $162.50


Monday, October 02, 2006


Walking take 135

Who: Radagast
Exercise type: Walking
Duration: ~40 minutes

Radagast's totals: 159/200, $645.00
Radagast's SO's totals: 163/200, $160.00


Sunday, October 01, 2006


Yoga for Strength take 5

Who: Radagast and SO
Exercise type: Yoga for Strength video
Portions of tape: Vinyasa, balancing poses (session 2)
Duration: ~30 minutes

Radagast's totals: 158/200, $642.50
Radagast's SO's totals: 163/200, $160.00

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